stop just feeling your deepest essence and step through the door to live it

Receive support to be truly YOU and fall in love with all of YOU. Here you are welcome. To blossom. With all of your light. And all of your dark. Your joy, pleasure and pain. In the true perfection that you are.


walk the path of love to create your heaven on earth..

“It is my purpose to support sensitive, empathic and strong women in restoring their connection to their soul. And my vision is creating a world that people harmoniously live on that ‘s like heaven on earth. Love is my medicine. It can heal all the wounds we bare with us and it can heal the world.

During 1:1 soul alignment mentorships, energy blockage readings, 1:1 soul branding journeys and online women gatherings I take you from not fully embodying (and expressing) the clear messages from your soul towards finding the courage to heal blockages and embrace your beauty to be that empowered woman that lives her purpose not just a bit, but FULLY in her heart, body, mind and… world!

By the end of our time together, I can only hope you won’t need me anymore, as you’ve received the transformation you need to continue your journey of living your soul’s truest expression.”

Welcome, sister. I see you. I hear you…



Is finding Harmony
within ALL of you and then making that change

It’s time to restore your energetic umbilical cord that connects you to your true source.

Living by your Inner Truth

This requires your commitment, a choice to do it differently.

A lot of women struggle to really live the life that they desire. There’s always that voice that tells us, that we are not allowed to live big, that we are not allowed to express ourselves fully. That we are too much. The thing is that this stops us from really staying connected to our deepest essence.

It would be my privilege to assist you on the path to that deepest essence. I am here, ready for you to guide, inspire and educate you on your way through challenges and conquests.

It’s time to come home, in yourself …and the world.

How you can work with me

to align yourself with Love

Take the deep dive

1:1 the path of Soul-alignment

Walking the path of your Soul’s True Expression

This holistic mentorship is a deep dive for women that long to transform their un-expressed (and maybe suppressed) soul’s desires towards an embodied, joyous and purposeful life, that unfolds naturally.

A deep 1:1 transformative journey through the most important aspects of a woman’s life. Your relationship with yourself, your body, mind and the world is made by how far you allow to surrender and live by your deepest soul’s expression.

Become fully confident in walking your life’s purpose and learn how to navigate with love, harmony and liberty through all your gifts and challenges, that appear on your path.


Every Thursday 19:15 CET (Berlin/ Amsterdam Time)

join the garden of love women gatherings

I like to invite you to the Garden of Love Women Gatherings, where you can:

  • Re-fill your cup with connection

  • Rediscover your authentic self

  • Become nourished by new/full moon and pegan celebrations + feminine kundalini yoga practices for your health, happiness and sacredness