


Sexual Healing & Empowerment 1:1 Mentorship

- Awaken to your Sex: Initiate Yourself with the Shamelessly Sexxy 1:1 Mentorship

- Awaken to your Sex: Initiate Yourself with the Shamelessly Sexxy 1:1 Mentorship

Your SEX can be deeper. And truly yours

You ‘just’ have to get out of your head, into your body and relax into ‘it’.

We all know, that’s not always easy or even always possible. So, let me support you on this journey into exactly this: a deeper embodied sensuality & sexuality. A sexuality that is yours and will bring juice in all areas of your life. So you can bring into the world true feminine confidence. The ability to create anything you wish from pleasure and joy. And last but not least, experience a deep embodied sexuality, that is TRULY YOURS & SHAMELESSLY SEXXY.

The things that can feel so off in a sex-life are endless:
Challenges with orgasming // Thinking all the time about him, instead of your own pleasure // Not able to fully relax // Not feeling enough - am I attractive enough? // Getting stuck in the head, while disconnecting from your body // Afraid to truly express and live your sexual desires // Up to not living your full potential in life, because all of the above // Or creating unrealistic pressure on yourself in bed // Always attracting the wrong kind of guy (why me!?) // Or wanting to experience something more then just ‘ok sex’ //

ALl of the above come down to one thing: not being home in your body, when pleasure knocks on the door. And not being to open that door:
Shamelessly and by your own design.

In the end you just want to feel FREE.
FREE as a woman.
FREE in sex, pleasure and life.
Even FREE in work, your art and creations.

Your body is a portal.
To Pleasure.


The day that you realise your sex is something to honour in your life and that there must be more to it, you have awakened into a bigger tapestry of your infinte power to live, create and love.

Let’s go there.

Woman playing with water at the beach during sunset

This is a global movement. We are waking up to our sexual pleasure. We, the women.

I’ve been ‘there’ too, until I said: ‘Enough!’

I have always been a very sexual woman, untill I ended up in a long term relationship, where I lost my sexuality COMPLETELY. Untill 1 day I said: ‘Enough! I have to find it back!’. But it was gone. At least in the form I knew it: fast, dis-connected and not really deep. I had to find it back: I un-covered a new kind of sexuality, that felt whole, even sacred, and deeply intimate, without loosing the wildness. There was an extra component added: deep self-love, sensuality and self-acceptance. This time my sexuality felt completely my own. I have found my sexual blueprint, always available to me, no matter the outer circumstances. Partner or no partner.

Loosing my sexuality, took me on a whole journey of trauma healing, understanding the different believe systems that have been sitting in me from family, society, religions, as exploring tantric self-pleasure and partner practices, while learning healthy communication in partnership (no more drama!).

Now, years later - not in that relationship anymore that was in the end a big gift to improve my sexual pleasure - as I feel sexually so much more FREE and LIBERATED.

I feel my body deeper then ever. I can experience deep pleasure even when the partner is not ‘perfect’ ;).

Years of sexual healing, educating myself and discovering my own body is one of my gifts to the sexual awakening on earth.

I would love to gift it to you, so you can discover true freedom in your body, sex-life and creating the life you desire: free from trauma, limiting believe systems and not knowing how to experience deep pleausure in your body!

Get in touch if you feel this.

Woman in a light dress standing among lush green foliage

Let’s have that real, deep and sensitive conversation

I invite you to come home to your sex